Whether you’ve been bird watching for years or you’re just getting started, spotting a rare species of bird around your house is always thrilling. Here in eastern South Dakota, we’re used to seeing robins, sparrows, chickadees, or the occasional cardinal around our neighborhoods. But in this article, we’ll offer you several tips for attracting a less common species of bird: the Eastern Bluebird.
Eastern Bluebirds are loved for their brilliant blue feathers, soft round eyes, and pleasant song. Although they are rare in our parts, it’s quite possible to attract these striking songbirds to your yard with the right preparation and supplies. If you’re up for a fun bird-watching challenge this summer, keep reading to learn more about this sought-after species.
Eastern Bluebirds are members of the thrush family. They are common in many eastern states in the U.S. and may be spotted in eastern South Dakota from late April through July. Male bluebirds have a bright blue head, back, and wings, with auburn breast feathers. Females are lighter in color, with grey backs and spots of blue on their tail and wings.
Eastern Bluebirds enjoy open and semi-open habitats like fields, meadows, parks, or large yards scattered with trees.
As a relatively small species, Eastern Bluebirds build their nests in natural cavities like old woodpecker holes and rotting fence posts. They will also choose human-made bird boxes if they are the right size (more on that below).
In the summer months, Eastern Bluebirds primarily feed on small insects like crickets, grasshoppers, and beetles. During winter, they eat berries when insects are scarce. Some say the Eastern Bluebirds’ favorite food is mealworms.
Keeping these points in mind, here are several tips for attracting Eastern Bluebirds to your yard during the warmer months.
We hope you get to experience the joy of watching beautiful Eastern Bluebirds around your home. For more pointers and bird watching supplies, stop by a local Nyberg’s Ace this spring. We offer one of the region’s widest selections of bird feeders, baths, seeds, and more. Whatever types of birds you want to see in your yard this summer, we can help. Good luck!